
Brooklyn Paralysis Injury

During labor and delivery, complications sometimes occur. In some cases these complications result in a birth injury that has a devastating impact on the rest of the child’s life. For example, I the baby suffers a brain injury the child may have developmental delays. Other birth injuries such as a spinal cord injury could lead to the child’s suffering some type of paralysis. A spinal cord injury is not the only injury that could causes paralysis. If the nerves or muscles in the baby’s face are damaged during delivery, the baby could suffer facial paralysis. Whether the paralysis is in the face or another part of the body, paralysis could have a profound affect on the child’s life. While some complications during labor and delivery are unavoidable, whether the baby must live with permanent injuries may depend on how the medical staff responds to such complication. An improper or untimely response may amount to medical malpractice such that you would need a New York Injury Lawyer. If your baby suffered an injury during birth that left him or her paralyzed, it is important that you contact a Brooklyn Paralysis Injury Lawyer who will explain to you your legal rights to pursue compensation through a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Types of Complications that Causes Paralysis

Paralysis during birth can be the result of nerve damage, an infection, or a spinal cord injury.

Facial palsy. If excessive pressure is put on the baby’s face during delivery, the baby could suffer temporary or permanent facial paralysis. For example, the negligent use of forceps during a vaginal delivery can lead to facial paralysis.

Erb’s palsy. If the nerves adjacent to the shoulders are damaged during birth, the baby may end up with Erb’s palsy. Erb’s palsy is a condition where the baby suffers weakness or paralysis in the arms and hands. It is caused due to excessive pressure being placed on the nerves in the baby’s shoulder during the delivery process. Nerve damage can also occur during a deliver where either forceps or a vacuum extractor is used.

Spinal cord injury. During a difficult delivery the baby may suffer a neck injury that results in damage to the spine and paralysis. This is more likely to happen if the baby gets stuck in the birth canal and the doctor decides to use forceps or a vacuum extractor.


The treatment required for a baby who suffers paralysis depends on the type of injury. For example, in cases of facial paralysis surgery may be necessary to decompress the nerve or to repair muscle damage. In other cases the condition may be permanent. When the paralysis is permanent, the child will need life-long therapy to help cope with daily living.

Pursuing Compensation

If your baby suffers an injury that results in paralysis, he or she is likely to need lifelong care and assistance for the rest of his or her life. Compensation through a personal injury matter will help ensure that your child gets compensation to provide for his or her needs. If your baby’s condition was caused by the negligence of a medical professional, the negligent party may be required to compensate you for your baby’s medical bills related to the injuries suffered because of the medical mistake. If as a result of your baby’s injury you end up missing a work, your damages could include compensation for the income you lost. The court may also award damages based on the physical and mental anguish your baby suffers because of the injury.

Beware that New York law has a specific time limit for filing a claim for a personal injury. If you do not file your claim within the time period, you will be forever barred from collecting damages even if your case has merit. In addition, if the party responsible for your injury was a government entity then there are special procedures you must follow to file a claim.

Brooklyn Paralysis Injury Lawyer

If you suspect that you or your baby was injured because of the negligence of your doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional do not hesitate to immediately contact an experienced birth injury attorney. The staff at Stephen Bilkis and Associates is experienced in successfully representing clients who have suffered injuries due to mistakes made by medical professionals, as well as those injured in car accidents, truck accidents, construction accidents, and other types of accidents. Contact us at 800.696.9529 to schedule a free, no obligation consultation regarding your case.